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West Coast of Scotland bike challenge 2016

Saturday 28th to Monday 30th May 2016

Contact Andy White if you are interested.

This three-day challenge cycling trip travels through the west coast of Scotland. Passing along tranquil coastal roads, there are very few cars and plenty of wildlife en route to see  as you cycle quietly past. We will travel on seven ferries to hop from island to island. There will be different distances which will cover between 250 and 300 miles over the three days, with a support vehicle to carry bags. You need to be able to cycle long distances on consecutive days. Although you don’t necessarily have to be fast, you need to be good at managing your time to ensure you don’t miss the ferries.

Estimated Costs

• YHA 3 nights B+B = £120
• share of support vehicle cost (£30)
• evening meals not included
• ferry crossings not included (for the 7 ferries it will be less than £25)


May 27th

Depart Ardrossan 6:30PM
Arrive Campbeltown 9:30PM

May 28th – Campbeltown to Oban (88/108 miles) one ferry

May 29th – Oban to Oban (100 / 75 miles) three ferries

May 30th – Oban to Wemyss Bay (86 miles) two ferries

Ferry timetables

Scottish trip information pack

Previous Trips