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EA Membership

England Athletics (EA) membership is not included in the Chester Tri membership fee, individuals should join EA separately using the same membership page.

You MUST have EA membership to run for Chester Triathlon Club.

EA membership is required if you wish to enter any running events as a member of Chester Triathlon Club and pay the reduced entry rate. EA membership is a compulsory requirement to compete in events such as the Borders League, the Cross Country leagues, and the Multi-terrain Series.

The annual fee is £20 and the membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

You can check if you have already paid for EA membership by logging in and checking if your “Memberships” includes “Chester Tri Club EA Membership”

If you choose not to join, you will have to pay the full entry rate and not the reduced rate when entering races. You will be listed as an unaffiliated runner as you cannot run under the Chester Triathlon Club name without paying the EA membership fee.
In addition, you will not be able to compete in any inter-club leagues including the Borders League, the Wirral Multi-terrain Series, and the Cross Country leagues, as EA membership is compulsory for these.

Be aware that event organisers do check if you have a valid EA number and also whether it is active.

Please note that your details do not appear on the UK Athletics web page straightaway. There may be a delay of 3-4 weeks before the database is updated. You should ensure that you allow this time period between activating your membership and any races you are planning to enter.

england-athletics-logoAs a club we actively encourage the joining of EA. There are many benefits to joining EA, as there are for joining the BTF. We also have a number of London Marathon places awarded to the club based on the number of EA members we have.

See for further information regarding the benefits of EA affiliation.


Should you have any further queries, please contact the Membership Secretary.