I first found my running legs about twelve years ago, on a treadmill at the hotel gym where I worked as a chef. My only reason for running at the time was to get fit enough to apply for a job I really wanted and begin a big career change. I didn’t get the job but carried on running!
Happily for me, a good friend of mine took me for an ‘outside’ run. I didn’t hear from her for weeks after that, and thus the trend began. Not the trend of running, but the trend of finding a likeminded jogger, agreeing to go for a casual run, followed by them disappearing from my life for long enough that they felt safe a repeat run was off the table.
Competitive running came later. My first 10k event in 2012 was brilliant, but the complete lack of knowledge of how to train properly did result in injury.
In 2015 a friend suggested I sign up for the Chester half marathon. That year I discovered training programmes, ran my first half marathon, got on a road bike for the first time, took part in my first cycling sportive, ran my first marathon, found the joy of group running and joined Chester Tri Club.
The club is brilliant, whatever your goals are. Whether it’s for the social exercising aspect, becoming faster or more competitive in your discipline(s), opportunities to race, or finding a community of friendly people with a vast range of knowledge and experiences to chat to and ask questions.
I’ve since got a taste for league races, cross country muddy races, trail running and dabbled in some fell racing too which is awesome! I gave triathlon a go (Deva Devas 2019) and completed my first Olympic distance tri this year (Deva Triathlon 2021) with the help of the fabulous club technique sessions I hope to keep working on my swimming (a very new skill!) and have plenty more goals for the future.
Being a run leader for the club, I’d like to be able to motivate and encourage others and make running a fun and beneficial activity for all attendees!
UKA LiRF (Leadership in Running Fitness) Run Leader – 2021
Safeguarding in Athletics – Level 2
DBS Certificate – Enhanced
Outdoor First Aid Course – 2024
Finest sporting moments
Team Bronze medal at Cheshire Cross Country Championships 2021
Chester Triathlon Club – Club Vest Champion 2019-20