Monday 22/04/2024
18:30 - 20:00
Jamie Price will be bringing an array of Zone3 wetsuits & gear for us to try on, as well as coaching an OW skills session. Come EARLY – he’ll set up ready for us to try kit from 1830, so we’re all kitted up ready to get in the water for 1900.
The session will start with zone 2 style swimming around buoys (rather than up & down a lane), then we’ll practise drafting, sighting, racing for the inside line round a buoy, ripping off wetsuits at speed & much more.
– Do I need to bring a wetsuit? No, there will be plenty to try on. (You can bring your own if you really want, but why get yours wet when you could use a Zone3 one for free?!)
– Can I come & try Zone3 kit, even if I haven’t booked to swim? Yes! Just don’t try & sneak a free swim session please 😂
– What kit will there be to try on? Wetsuits, tri suits, swimsuits, goggles etc
– Any more questions, please comment below 👇
In case anyone absolutely cannot do without their usual Monday squad session, there will also be a lane/s set aside and a normal pool set on the board.
Please ensure you read the Covid information here.
You MUST book your session in advance here.
Price: £5.20 + 30p transaction fee
Notes: Club members only